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National Recognition of Colorado’s Adult Protective Services Innovations

Image of an elderly woman with a walker being assisted by an aide.

The passage of Senate Bill 21-118, Alternative Response Mistreatment At-Risk Adults, allowed Colorado to pilot an alternative pathway for Adult Protective Services (APS) to respond to reports of low-risk mistreatment and self-neglect. This advancement is gaining national recognition and was highlighted last month at the National Adult Protective Services Association (NAPSA) annual conference in New Mexico.

Dr. Courtney Everson, Senior Project Director for the Colorado Evaluation and Action Lab (Colorado Lab) presented together with Bettina Morrow, CDHS Adult Protective Services Associate Director and Stefanie Woodard, CDHS Interim Director for the Division of Aging & Adult Services, and APS Director. 

In their presentation, the evaluation and learning partners shared that over half (56%) of all allegations sent to the alternative response are for self-neglect. Through the pilot, 15 participating counties use either traditional investigative methods or an alternative response. When allegations of self neglect are received—such as an elderly person with limited mobility not having the proper equipment in their home to take care of bathing and hygiene needs—APS responds in a manner that fits the circumstances. For example, scheduling a home visit—rather than the traditional approach of showing up unannounced—to build a more collaborative tone from the start of a case. The alternative response practice aims to enhance positive engagement, reduce stigma, and increase the well-being of at-risk adults. Advancing States, a national nonprofit dedicated to supporting the aging and disability populations, published a new issue brief highlighting Colorado’s alternative response approach to self-neglect, saying it is “at the forefront of innovation in the field of Adult Protective Services.”

The Colorado Lab is assessing causal evidence of effectiveness of this dual-track alternative response model on client- and system-level outcomes. To learn more about the Colorado Lab’s evaluation of the Alternative Response in APS, please visit our website or contact Dr. Courtney Everson.