New Workforce Development Evidence-Building Hub

The Colorado Lab has launched a Workforce Development Evidence-Building Hub. The new Hub is a partnership with the Colorado Equitable Economic Mobility Initiative, the Colorado Wage Outcomes Result Coalition (Colorado WORC), Opportunity Now, and WorkRise at the Urban Institute. The aim is to learn more about support and training impacts on learner outcomes related to employment, earnings, and equity.
The Hub approach ensures the goals of evaluation work are met, grows the evidence base, and identifies opportunities for ongoing learning, scalability, and sustainability. This model will:
- Leverage the Linked Information Network of Colorado (LINC) to unlock previously unavailable administrative wage data.
- Coordinate causal evaluations of workforce training programs or cash assistance initiatives that engage learners to expand their skill sets.
- Identify trends in participants’ wages pre- and post-participation in training programs.
- Provide strategic visioning and consultation support to identify a long-term durable data solution.
- Build on current momentum, working with champions and stakeholders to activate learnings in policy and program improvements.
A first round of findings will be available later this year, including:
- Participant earnings trajectories for a cohort of six workforce training providers. Findings will be based on labor market data beginning two years before and up to two years after participation in a training program.
- Initial insights into whether cash assistance for learners—such as no-interest loans or stipends—influence financial stability and how they impact employment and earnings.
To learn more about the Workforce Development Evidence-Building Hub, please contact Dr. Elysia Versen.