Early Childhood Evaluation Hub: Synthesis of Initial Evidence

A new Colorado Lab brief offers a bird’s eye view of findings from multiple evaluations underway for stimulus-funded strategies of the Colorado Department of Early Childhood (CDEC). The Early Childhood Evaluation Hub: Early Insights brief provides a cohesive overview of evidence building to date for evaluations from seven teams.
Top-Line Early Insights on CDEC Strategic Goals
“Synthesizing so much information from multiple evaluations and providing cohesive insights is one of the many values that evidence-building hubs can offer,” says the Colorado Lab’s Dr. Whitney LeBoeuf, who serves as Director of the Early Childhood Evaluation Hub. “We developed this approach to make sure the evaluations across many teams are anchored to a shared vision, findings are credible, and they are building evidence to drive intended outcomes. The Colorado Lab’s Early

Childhood Evaluation Hub also significantly reduces the state’s administrative burden by managing the evaluation partners.”
Early learnings from the Hub’s evaluation work are helping CDEC and funding recipients improve the implementation of stimulus-funded activities. The early findings are also being shared with legislators to inform funding and policy decisions involving stimulus-funded strategies. Many of these strategies will be discontinued in September without new funding.
To learn more about the synthesis brief or the Early Childhood Evaluation Hub, please reach out to Dr. Whitney LeBoeuf.
For more on the stimulus-funded activities please visit CDEC’s new webpage: coloradoECinvestments.com.