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Evidence Portfolio Process for Budget & Policy Decisions

Front view of the Colorado State Capitol building and lawn.

A newly created evidence portfolio process supports the consistent application of Evidence-Based Decision-Making (EBDM) by state agencies during budget and policy decision-making. State agencies can use this tool to apply evidence to drive outcomes, leverage data to inform learning and action, and build evidence on what works and for whom, while promoting innovation.

As described in the latest post in our EBDM blog series, the Colorado Department of Early Childhood (CDEC) was the first state agency to use this tool. The Colorado Lab worked together with CDEC to develop the evidence portfolio process and tailor it to their specific needs. Colorado Lab Director, Dr. Kristin Klopfenstein notes, “We simultaneously worked with CDEC to create organizational theories of change. These support CDEC leadership and staff in aligning strategic planning with performance management and budgeting. This positions CDEC to use the evidence portfolio process to make the case for the budget priorities they put forward to the Governor’s Office, as well as identify priorities for ongoing evidence-building.”

CDEC has begun the work of expanding use of the evidence portfolios beyond stimulus funding to include all Department programs and practices and the full budget.

In addition, the Department of Local Affairs will begin to adapt and pilot the evidence portfolio process within the Division of Housing (DOH). With funding from the Governor’s Office of State Planning and Budgeting, DOH will initiate the evidence portfolio process in State Fiscal Year 2025, with capacity-building support from the Colorado Lab starting soon.

The To learn more about EBDM evidence portfolios please contact Dr. Courtney Everson.