May 8, 2023 by coloradolab

Child Abuse Prevention Investment Strategy

To reduce child maltreatment, numerous community- and system-level programs, policies, and practices have been put in place in Colorado. An important next step is identifying how best to coordinate, align, and maximize resources for these investments. The Colorado Child Abuse Prevention Trust Fund Board has partnered with the Colorado Lab to develop a data-informed prevention […]

08 May 2023
May 8, 2023 by coloradolab

Scrivner Policy Roundtable Presentation: Bridging the Research to Policy Divide

We were happy to present to local public policy and research leaders at last month’s Scrivner Policy Roundtable (see presentation video below). The event series is hosted by the Scrivner Institute of Public Policy at the University of Denver to foster collaboration and learning among Metro Denver policy organizations. To support Colorado leaders in making data […]

08 May 2023
April 10, 2023 by coloradolab

Early Childhood Evaluation Hub: Stabilization and Sustainability Activities and Spotlight on External Research Partner, Dr. Ann Wacker

Stabilization and Sustainability Activities One set of activities supported by stimulus funding aims to sustain and stabilize the early childhood sector. This includes grants that support: Spotlight on External Research Partner Dr. Ann Wacker The Colorado Lab selected the Butler Institute for Families at the University of Denver, under the direction of Ann Wacker, PhD, […]

10 April 2023
April 10, 2023 by coloradolab

Colorado Lab Training: Effective Leadership through Data

A new Colorado Lab training supports government and community-serving professionals to grow their understanding in the use of data for decision-making. The training, created by Drs. Courtney Everson and Lauren Gase, Senior Researchers/Project Directors with the Colorado Lab, was delivered most recently to the Rocky Mountain Early Childhood Conference and to the Whole Child Consultative […]

10 April 2023
March 13, 2023 by coloradolab

External Research Partner Spotlight: Roger Low

Roger Low launched the nonprofit Colorado Equitable Economic Mobility Initiative in 2021 to create a more equitable economic ecosystem. As Founder and CEO, Low brings more than a decade of experience working on workforce development, economic mobility, and poverty alleviation. His public sector services include advising U.S. Senator Michael Bennet and launching the first three […]

13 March 2023
March 13, 2023 by coloradolab

New Project: Cash for Coloradans

“Cash for Coloradans” is a program to provide direct cash support to people participating in nonprofit career-readiness programs. Funded by the Urban Institute’s WorkRise initiative, the cash support will flow through designated nonprofit organizations that serve low income individuals and underrepresented groups, including people of color and people returning to the community following incarceration. “Modest […]

13 March 2023
March 13, 2023 by coloradolab

New Reports: Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Prosecutorial Process

A series of new reports, developed through the Colorado Prosecutorial Dashboards project, provide Colorado District Attorneys’ Offices with a more in-depth understanding of racial and ethnic differences in their prosecution processes. The new reports, which build on data publicly available through data dashboards, offer a deeper dive into key points of prosecutorial discretion to understand […]

13 March 2023
March 13, 2023 by coloradolab

Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Schools

The Colorado Evaluation and Action Lab (Colorado Lab) serves as the coordinating hub for Family First rigorous evaluation efforts on behalf of the Colorado Department of Human Services. In this role, we provide guidance and ensure strategic investments in evidence-building for promising programs, with the goal of informing selection and scaling of services that help […]

13 March 2023
February 14, 2023 by coloradolab

Estimating Homelessness Among Young People

The lack of reliable data on the prevalence of young people experiencing homelessness makes it difficult to provide responsive services or develop prevention strategies. To bridge this critical knowledge gap, the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) funded the Center for Policy Research and the Colorado Lab to generate a more complete estimate […]

14 February 2023
February 13, 2023 by coloradolab

External Research Partner Spotlight: Lanae Davis

Lanae Davis has spent her career as a researcher at the Center for Policy Research, joining the team in 1997. Her research focuses broadly on addressing barriers to economic stability, including intensive studies of youth and young adult homelessness. Lanae’s familiarity of LINC and her understanding of the critical role data plays in identifying solutions […]

13 February 2023