Evidence-Based Decision Making: SMART Act Cue Card for Legislators

Each January, SMART Act hearings provide a key opportunity to demonstrate the high value Colorado places on EBDM in state government. The tenets of EBDM become readily apparent when legislators ask agency leadership targeted questions about their performance management and process improvement efforts and how evidence informs their ongoing work. To support this process, the […]

CDEC Stimulus Funding Evidence-Building

The Colorado Department of Early Childhood (CDEC) received over $700 million in federal and state stimulus funding in 2020-2021, with resources supporting 60+ activities that address pandemic recovery needs and advance the department’s strategic goals to strengthen and grow Colorado’s early childhood sector. Nearly half of the stimulus-funded activities are being evaluated, with the Colorado […]

Evidence Portfolio Process for Budget & Policy Decisions

A newly created evidence portfolio process supports the consistent application of Evidence-Based Decision-Making (EBDM) by state agencies during budget and policy decision-making. State agencies can use this tool to apply evidence to drive outcomes, leverage data to inform learning and action, and build evidence on what works and for whom, while promoting innovation. As described […]

Colorado Lab Presents on EBDM at NCSL National Conference

In October, Drs. Courtney Everson and Kristin Klopfenstein presented on the development and initial implementation of the Evidence-Based Decision-Making (EBDM) approach in Colorado to state legislators, budget officers, and impact officers from 10 states. The invitation from the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) to present to their Governing for Results Network in Nashville, Tennessee, […]

What it Takes to Activate Evidence-Based Decision-Making

With a clear, shared understanding of what Evidence-Based Decision-Making (EBDM) is (see previous blog post), the next step in creating an EBDM culture is for decision-makers, agency leadership, and staff to commit to routinely using the EBDM approach, consistent with each of their roles. What is Evidence-Based Decision-Making? EBDM is the intersection of the best […]

New! Evidence-Based Decision-Making Glossary

The Colorado Lab has developed a new Evidence-Based Decision-Making (EBDM) Glossary of Terms to support decision-makers, agency leadership, and staff in gaining a common understanding of EBDM in policymaking. EBDM is recognized as an important means to align roles and responsibilities across branches of government and drive smart state investments and meaningful outcomes. This tool […]

Early Childhood Mental Health Testimonial Videos

The Colorado Lab provided guidance and support to the Colorado Department of Early Childhood (CDEC) in creating two new videos about Early Childhood Mental Health (ECMH) Consultation. The videos aim to grow understanding about how ECMH Consultation helps early childhood professionals and families across the state promote the mental health and healthy social-emotional development of […]

Early Childhood Evaluation Hub: CCCAP Teacher Wage Increase Pilot and Spotlight on External Research Partner, MDRC

Between 2021 and 2022, the Colorado Department of Early Childhood received over $700 million in stimulus funding to strengthen Colorado’s early childhood sector. The Colorado Lab is coordinating the Early Childhood Evaluation Hub, contracting with multiple evaluation teams to conduct high-quality evaluations of more than a dozen prioritized stimulus-funded activities to ensure the goals of […]

Understanding and Creating an EBDM Culture

Colorado’s five-year vision for Evidence-Based Decision-Making (EBDM) in policymaking was created collaboratively by members of the executive and legislative branches, non-governmental partners, and the Colorado Evaluation and Action Lab (Colorado Lab). EBDM is recognized as an important means to drive smart state investments, continuous quality improvement, innovation, and meaningful outcomes. “Realizing this vision depends on […]