Several significant bills passed this legislative session, strengthening opportunities to improve the lives of Colorado residents across the lifespan, from prenatal care to early childhood development to adult services. The Colorado Lab worked together with state and local government agencies, legislators, the Governor’s Office, research colleagues, and subject matter experts to inform this suite of […]
Physical & Behavioral Health
Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation Program Expands to Address Growing Pandemic-related Need
The Colorado Department of Human Services, Office of Early Childhood (OEC), which administers the Early Childhood Mental Health (ECMH) Consultation Program, announced funding for 47 consultants statewide, an increase of nearly 38% from 2019 (34 consultants). The free and confidential program pairs mental health consultants with the adults who work directly with infants and young […]
Colorado Legislature Passes Brain Injury Pilot Program To Reduce Recidivism
We are excited to share that the Colorado legislature approved SB21-138, aimed at improving support for individuals in the criminal justice system with a brain injury. The Colorado Lab-supported study Reducing Recidivism for Justice Involved Individuals with Traumatic Brain Injury informed and prompted creation of law. Our research shows that 25-87% of inmates report having […]
Recidivism and Traumatic Brain Injury: A Vicious Cycle
Calls for criminal justice reform ring loud in Colorado. Overburdening of the corrections system is a part of the problem, driven in large part by the state’s rate of recidivism. Half of people convicted of crimes in Colorado return to the criminal justice system within three years. Seeking a deeper understanding of the issue, researchers […]
KKCO 11: CU researchers working to address food insecurity on the Western Slope
Colorado news station, KKCO 11, featured an article and news clip about the Addressing Food Insecurity by Improving Referral Systems between Medical and Social Services Providers in Mesa County project, a study conducted by researchers at the University of Colorado School of Medicine (Anschutz) and led by Dr. Anne Nederveld. Article: CU researchers working to […]
Denverite: New research maps where housing and health crises collide in Colorado
The Denverite, featured an article about the Colorado Lab-funded project, Mapping the Intersection of Housing and Mental Health in Colorado, a study conducted by researchers at the University of Northern Colorado (UNCO). The Colorado Lab’s Deputy Director, Dr. Elysia Clemens, and UNCO PIs Drs. Jieun Lee and Ivan Ramirez, reflect on the research and outcomes. […]
The Colorado Independent: High rates of mental health issues and housing costs
The Colorado Independent featured an article about the recently completed Lab-funded project, Mapping the Intersection of Housing and Mental Health in Colorado, a study conducted by researchers at the University of Northern Colorado. Article: Research: Colorado has 71 census tracts where high rates of mental health issues and high housing costs overlap
New online mapping tool targets link between housing, mental health
Researchers at the University of Northern Colorado completed a study mapping the places in Colorado where people’s access to affordable housing and their challenges related to mental health overlap, giving policymakers the ability to target state resources to help those most in need. News Release: New On-line Mapping Tool Targets Link Between Housing, Mental Health