Family First Evidence-Building Hub: Annual Report & Spotlight on External Research Partner, Colorado Implementation Science Unit

Colorado’s 5-Year Family First Prevention Services Plan advances evidence-based programs and services to support child welfare-involved families with the goal of keeping children safe and more families together. The Colorado Lab leads the Family First Evidence-Building Hub on behalf of the Colorado Department of Human Services. We work with cross-system prevention partners to co-create a […]

Early Childhood Evaluation Hub: Expanding Child Care Programs and Spotlight on External Research Partner, Schultz Patel Evaluation

Between 2021 and 2022, the Colorado Department of Early Childhood received over $700 million in stimulus funding to strengthen Colorado’s early childhood sector. The Colorado Lab is coordinating the Early Childhood Evaluation Hub, contracting with multiple evaluation teams to conduct high-quality evaluations of more than a dozen prioritized stimulus-funded activities to ensure the goals of […]

Essential Elements: Sustain Change

Throughout this past year, in recognition of the Colorado Evaluation and Action Lab’s 5th anniversary, we have lifted up elements of our work essential to achieving our mission—using data to inform solutions to critical social problems. We have seen that when the essential elements shown in our graphic are implemented—from building relationships with our government […]

Scrivner Policy Roundtable Presentation: Bridging the Research to Policy Divide

We were happy to present to local public policy and research leaders at last month’s Scrivner Policy Roundtable (see presentation video below). The event series is hosted by the Scrivner Institute of Public Policy at the University of Denver to foster collaboration and learning among Metro Denver policy organizations. To support Colorado leaders in making data […]

Child Abuse Prevention Investment Strategy

To reduce child maltreatment, numerous community- and system-level programs, policies, and practices have been put in place in Colorado. An important next step is identifying how best to coordinate, align, and maximize resources for these investments. The Colorado Child Abuse Prevention Trust Fund Board has partnered with the Colorado Lab to develop a data-informed prevention […]

Early Childhood Evaluation Hub: CCCAP and Spotlight on External Research Partner, Dr. Andrew Brodsky

Between 2021 and 2022, the Colorado Department of Early Childhood received over $700 million in stimulus funding to strengthen Colorado’s early childhood sector. The Colorado Lab is coordinating the Early Childhood Evaluation Hub, contracting with multiple evaluation teams to conduct high-quality evaluations of more than a dozen prioritized stimulus-funded activities to ensure the goals of […]

Essential Elements: Activate Findings

The goal of every Colorado Lab project is meaningful, timely action; we generate research evidence to inform practice and policy decisions. One of the most important elements to activating research findings is taking care to create, nurture, and maintain trusting relationships with and among partners (our first essential element). Throughout each project, we learn together […]

Early Childhood Evaluation Hub: Stabilization and Sustainability Activities and Spotlight on External Research Partner, Dr. Ann Wacker

Stabilization and Sustainability Activities One set of activities supported by stimulus funding aims to sustain and stabilize the early childhood sector. This includes grants that support: Spotlight on External Research Partner Dr. Ann Wacker The Colorado Lab selected the Butler Institute for Families at the University of Denver, under the direction of Ann Wacker, PhD, […]

Colorado Lab Training: Effective Leadership through Data

A new Colorado Lab training supports government and community-serving professionals to grow their understanding in the use of data for decision-making. The training, created by Drs. Courtney Everson and Lauren Gase, Senior Researchers/Project Directors with the Colorado Lab, was delivered most recently to the Rocky Mountain Early Childhood Conference and to the Whole Child Consultative […]

Essential Elements: Apply Rigor

At the Colorado Lab, we use data to support learning and sustained action among our partners. We view “rigor” as one part of what helps a study meet that goal, striving to do work that is simultaneously rigorous, relevant, and resonant. While the term “rigor” is widely used in research and evaluation, it is rarely […]