The Colorado Lab works with government, community, and research partners throughout the life cycle of a project, from identifying a challenge or opportunity to scaling and sustaining change. We use the Steps to Building Evidence to meet partners where they are. In all our work, we strive to help build our partners’ capacity to review, make meaning, and act on data.

What Does This Look Like in Practice?


We support our partners in tackling challenges across issue areas, from early childhood to housing to good government.


Evidence-Based Decision Making

Policy and budget decisions are not made using research alone. Evidence-Based Decision Making recognizes that decision-makers’ expertise and community needs and context are also important.

Evidence-Building Hubs

Learn how evidence-building hubs reduce the state’s administrative burden by managing evaluation teams and aligning and supporting actionability.



The Linked Information Network of Colorado (LINC) is a data integration collaborative based out of the Governor’s Office of Information Technology that supports timely and cost-efficient research, evaluation, and analytics.