Fostering Opportunities Logic Model

The logic model that was developed in partnership with Colorado Implementation Science Unit can be used by the Fostering Opportunities Program as a part of Step 1: theory of change by providing a road map to link efforts to outcomes.

Fostering Opportunities Implementation Initial and Established Tool

This Fostering Opportunities Implementation Tool can be used by Fostering Opportunities leadership and staff involved in child welfare and education leadership to identify areas of strength and areas for improvement in the implementation of the Fostering Opportunities program.

Fostering Opportunities Implementation Case Review Form

This Case Review Form is to be used as an in-depth review of a single case. This tool serves as a snapshot for program staff to reflect on a given student and assess if they received the entire Fostering Opportunities program over the course of the year. The goal is to raise the Specialist’s awareness […]

School Counselor Corp Grant Program 2023 Legislative Report

This report describes outcomes of the SCCGP Cohort 8 at the close of the four-year grant period. The SCCGP Cohort 8 grant began with a development year of July 1, 2018, to June 30, 2019, and the subsequent three years of the grant were implementation years of July 1, 2019, to June 30, 2022. Information […]

Legislative Hearing Cue Card

This cue card provides legislators with a menu of questions they can ask presenters during legislative hearings about a proposed policy or practice. Hearings are a key opportunity to promote Colorado’s approach to evidence-based decision making (EBDM) in state government.

Fostering Opportunities Program Manual: Middle and High School Version

Fostering Opportunities is an innovative student engagement program for middle school and high school students who have experienced foster care. The goal of the program is to help youth who have experienced foster care be successful in school and ultimately earn a high school credential. This program manual was last updated in June 2024.

Evidence-Based Decision Making Systems Map

Results and recommendations for all evidence portfolios in the inventory are synthesized in the systems map. Agency leadership apply a systems lens during decision making to achieve a balanced view and identity trade-offs between and dependencies among programs/practices.