Slides from an info session on Fostering Healthy Futures as a recommended model for Colorado’s Mental Health Services Array.
TF-CBT Info Session: Recorded Virtual Session
Recorded virtual info session on Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy as a recommended model for Colorado’s Mental Health Services Array.
TF-CBT Info Session: Slide Deck
Slides from an info session on Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy as a recommended model for Colorado’s Mental Health Services Array.
MST and FFT Info Session: Recorded Virtual Session
Recorded virtual info session on Multisystemic Therapy and Functional Family Therapy as recommended models for Colorado’s Mental Health Services Array.
MST and FFT Info Session: Slide Deck
Slides from an info session on Multisystemic Therapy and Functional Family Therapy as recommended models for Colorado’s Mental Health Services Array.
An Evaluation of the Colorado Community Response Program
Educational Success of Colorado Students in Foster Care
This report provides a summary of the results to date of the ongoing Colorado Study of Students in Foster Care. It also outlines a multi-year actionable research agenda through a child welfare lens.
Every Transition Counts: School Stability and Educational Attainment of Youth Formerly in Foster Care
Strategy for the Evidence-Based Aspects of the Family First Service Continuum
As part of the Colorado Lab’s support to CDHS in developing the Family First Prevention Services Plan, this strategy contains recommendations for evidence-based programs and services matched to the needs of Colorado families, opportunities for fiscal drawdown, and ongoing rigorous evaluation and continuous quality improvement.
Family First Annual Rigorous Evaluation Report SFY24
Delivered in May each year, this report details rigorous evaluation efforts underway, including a summary of evidence to date, for programs and services currently in Colorado’s Family First evidence-building pipeline. The report can be used by the CDHS Office of Children, Youth, and Families (OCYF) team, Child Welfare Prevention Task Group, policymakers, and legislators, to […]