This brief provides an overview of early insights from evaluation of the stimulus-funded Project Include program. The Center for Inclusive Design and Engineering is leading this evaluation in alignment with the Early Childhood Stimulus Evaluation Hub. CDEC, policymakers, and legislators can use this brief to inform stimulus strategy implementation, funding decisions, and future evidence-building efforts.
Early Childhood
Building Evidence in Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation
Establishing Partnerships between Home Visiting and Home Child Care Providers
Imagination Library of Colorado
Early Childhood Stimulus Evaluation Hub
CCCAP Provider Policy Evidence-Building Brief
This brief provides an overview of early insights from evaluation of the stimulus-funded Enrollment-Based Payments for Infants and Toddlers, Increased Absence Payments for Preschoolers, and Reimbursement Rate Increase for Providers CCCAP policies. Brodsky Research and Consulting is leading this evaluation under coordination of the Early Childhood Stimulus Evaluation Hub. CDEC, policymakers, and legislators can use […]
A Gap Analysis of Available Mental Health Consultants and Unmet Need in Colorado
The gap analysis report describes the current resources and capacity. It estimates the need for staffing and associated costs to maintain or increase program reach.
ECMH Stimulus Evidence-Building Brief
This brief represents early insights from the initial phases of ECMHC evaluation work.
Early Childhood Evidence-Building Hub Synthesis of Evidence to Date
This brief synthesizes findings from evaluation of nearly 20 stimulus-funded strategies within CDEC. Findings are organized by outcome areas within CDEC’s strategic goals: access & quality, workforce, and family strengthening. Findings can be used by CDEC and funding recipients to improve implementation of stimulus-funded activities and by legislators to inform funding and policy decisions for […]
Early Childhood Evidence-Building Hub Stimulus Info Sheet
This info sheet provides an overview of CDEC’s stimulus-funded strategies, organized by outcome areas within CDEC’s strategic plan. It provides example stimulus-strategies within each outcome area to show how stimulus funds are helping achieve CDEC objectives.