Executive summary of evaluation findings of the home visiting for home child care providers pilot. (English version)
Colorado Department of Early Childhood
Home Visiting Evaluation Report
Evaluation report that synthesizes findings from the evaluation of the home visiting for home child care providers pilot.
Home Visiting Community Outreach Video
Community outreach video showcasing successes of the pilot from the perspectives of providers involved.
Imagination Library of Colorado Stimulus Evidence-Building Brief
This brief represents early insights from the initial phases of ILCO evaluation work.
Advancing Evidence-Based Decision-Making in Colorado Policymaking
This memo articulates a commonly accepted vision for Colorado’s approach to evidence-based decision-making in policymaking and to align roles and responsibilities across branches of government with this vision. By making explicit our shared understanding of the work to be done and our approach to it, we can accelerate progress and build on the good work […]
Promoting Evidence-Based Decision Making in Colorado State Government: From Vision to Implementation, 2-Pager
This two-pager strategy identifies the four goals of evidence-based decision making that guide initial implementation and ensure alignment across key players.
Evidence-Based Decision Making Strategy Report
Evidence-Based Decision Making Glossary
This glossary provides definitions that are used in evidence-based decision making (EBDM). Having shared definitions among governmental and non-governmental stakeholders across the state is a key step forward in helping to operationalize Colorado’s statewide vision of EBDM. These definitions are intended for use by all stakeholders in policy development, policy implementation, budget development, strategic planning, […]
SMART Act Hearing Cue Card
This cue card provides legislators with a set of questions they can ask presenters during SMART Act Hearings. SMART Act Hearings are a key opportunity to promote Colorado’s approach to evidence-based decision making (EBDM) in state government. The questions suggested follow the flow of presentations by state agencies.
Legislative Hearing Cue Card
This cue card provides legislators with a menu of questions they can ask presenters during legislative hearings about a proposed policy or practice. Hearings are a key opportunity to promote Colorado’s approach to evidence-based decision making (EBDM) in state government.