This brief provides an overview of early insights from evaluation of the stimulus-funded Family Child Care Home (FCCH) Network Pilot and Substitute Fund. Marzano Research is leading this evaluation under coordination of the Early Childhood Stimulus Evaluation Hub.CDEC, policymakers, and legislators can use this brief to inform stimulus strategy implementation, funding decisions, and future evidence-building […]
Colorado Department of Early Childhood
Navigator Evidence-Building Brief
This brief provides an overview of early insights from evaluation of the stimulus-funded Family Child Care Home (FCCH) and Availability of Care Navigator Programs. Marzano research, with support from the Early Childhood Council Leadership Alliance, is leading this evaluation under coordination of the Early Childhood Stimulus Evaluation Hub. CDEC, policymakers, and legislators can use this […]
Child Care Navigation Services & Substitute Support Evaluation One-Pager
This one-pager provides an overview of evaluation efforts for stimulus-funded Family Child Care Home (FCCH) and Availability of Care Navigators, the FCCH Network Pilot, and Substitute Fund. Marzano Research is leading this evaluation under coordination of the Early Childhood Stimulus Evaluation Hub.
Emerging & Expanding and Employer-Based Child Care Grants Evidence-Building Brief
This brief provides an overview of early insights from evaluation of the stimulus-funded Emerging & Expanding Grant and Employer-Based Child Care Grant programs. Schultz Patel Evaluation is leading this evaluation under coordination of the Early Childhood Stimulus Evaluation Hub. CDEC, policymakers, and legislators can use this brief to inform stimulus strategy implementation, funding decisions, and […]
Child Care Expansion Grant Evaluation One-Pager
This one-pager provides an overview of evaluation efforts for stimulus-funded Emerging & Expanding Grants and Employer-Based Child Care Grants. Schultz Patel Evaluation is leading this evaluation under coordination of the Early Childhood Stimulus Evaluation Hub.
Colorado Partnership for Thriving Families
A Toolkit for Actionable Data and Collect Impact Evaluation
The purpose of this toolkit is to support the Colorado Partnership for Thriving Families and local communities in taking a collective impact approach to implementation and evaluation.
Matrix of Stimulus Activities
This matrix provides a comprehensive list of all stimulus-funded strategies, along with an indication of which strategic outcomes each activity helps achieve.
Stimulus Info Sheet
This info sheet provides an overview of CDEC’s stimulus-funded strategies, organized by outcome areas within CDEC’s strategic plan. It provides example stimulus strategies within each outcome area to show how stimulus funds are helping achieve CDEC objectives.
Access to Inclusive Care: Project Include Evidence-Building Brief
This brief provides an overview of early insights from evaluation of the stimulus-funded Project Include program. The Center for Inclusive Design and Engineering is leading this evaluation in alignment with the Early Childhood Stimulus Evaluation Hub. CDEC, policymakers, and legislators can use this brief to inform stimulus strategy implementation, funding decisions, and future evidence-building efforts.