Percepciones de datos para informar las políticas y prácticas
Colorado Department of Early Childhood
The Path to Economic Security & Family Well-Being (Complete Brief)
Data insights brief that summarizes the best available research on economic security and its connection to child maltreatment and family well-being.
Social Support Norms Among Colorado Families (Executive Summary)
Executive summary of findings that emerged from qualitative narratives with five Colorado communities about family experiences with social support.
Universal Preschool Program Theory of Change
This high-level theory of change displays key assumptions, strategies, outcomes, and end goals for Colorado’s Universal Preschool Program.
Free Coursework and Recruitment & Retention Scholarship Evidence-Building Brief
This brief provides an overview of early insights from evaluation of the stimulus-funded Recruitment & Retention Scholarship Program and Free ECE 1011 & 10131 Coursework. The Butler Institute for Families at the University of Denver is leading this evaluation under coordination of the Early Childhood Stimulus Evaluation Hub. CDEC, policymakers, and legislators can use this […]
Child Development Associate Support Specialist Program
This brief provides an overview of early insights from evaluation of the stimulus-funded Child Development Associate Support Specialist Program. The Butler Institute for Families at the University of Denver is leading this evaluation under coordination of the Early Childhood Stimulus Evaluation Hub. CDEC, policymakers, and legislators can use this brief to inform stimulus strategy implementation, […]
Apprenticeship Program Evidence-Building Brief
This brief provides an overview of early insights from evaluation of the stimulus-funded Apprenticeship Program. The Butler Institute for Families at the University of Denver is leading this evaluation under coordination of the Early Childhood Stimulus Evaluation Hub. CDEC, policymakers, and legislators can use this brief to inform stimulus strategy implementation, funding decisions, and future […]
Workforce Preparation Evaluation One-Pager
This one-pager provides an overview of evaluation efforts for the stimulus-funded workforce preparation strategies: Apprenticeship Program, Child Development Associate Support Specialist Program, Recruitment and Retention Scholarship Program, and Free ECE 1011 and 10131 Coursework. The Butler Institute for Families at the University of Denver is leading this evaluation under coordination of the Early Childhood Stimulus […]
Wage Increase Evidence-Building Brief
This brief provides an overview of early insights from evaluation of the stimulus-funded Teacher Wage Increase Pilot. MDRC is leading this evaluation under coordination of the Early Childhood Stimulus Evaluation Hub. CDEC, policymakers, and legislators can use this brief to inform stimulus strategy implementation, funding decisions, and future evidence-building efforts.
Wage Increase Evaluation One-Pager
This one-pager provides an overview of evaluation efforts for the stimulus-funded Teacher Wage Increase Pilot. MDRC is leading this evaluation under coordination of the Early Childhood Stimulus Evaluation Hub.