A series of theories of change (TOCs), that explicitly align the Colorado Department of Early Childhood’s (CDEC) programmatic efforts with the goals from its strategic plan, including: access and quality, workforce, family strengthening, and a unifying TOC.
Colorado Department of Early Childhood
Prevention Investment Strategy: Policy and Practice Recommendations (Strategy Report)
Strategy report detailing nine policy and practice recommendations to align and accelerate investment in child maltreatment prevention across Colorado.
An Evaluation of the Colorado Community Response Program
Prevention Investment Strategy: A Roadmap Forward
Preliminary report on focus areas and approach for developing a data-informed prevention investment strategy for COCAP.
Prevention Investment Strategy for the Colorado Child Abuse Prevention Trust Fund
Educational Success of Colorado Students in Foster Care
This report provides a summary of the results to date of the ongoing Colorado Study of Students in Foster Care. It also outlines a multi-year actionable research agenda through a child welfare lens.
Every Transition Counts: School Stability and Educational Attainment of Youth Formerly in Foster Care
Colorado’s Early Childhood Workforce
El camino hacia la seguridad económica y el bienestar familiar en Colorado (2 páginas)
Percepciones de datos para informar las políticas y prácticas
The Path to Economic Security & Family Well-Being (2-pager)
Executive summary of the best available research on economic security and its connection to child maltreatment and family well-being.