A report summarizing the findings of a randomized controlled trial examining the efficacy of the Colorado Community Response program.
Prevention Investment Strategy: Policy and Practice Recommendations (Synthesis)
For policymakers, a synthesis of nine policy and practice recommendations to align and accelerate investment in child maltreatment prevention across Colorado.
Prevention Investment Strategy: Policy and Practice Recommendations (Executive Summary)
For cross-system partners, an executive summary of nine policy and practice recommendations to align and accelerate investment in child maltreatment prevention across Colorado.
Findings Report: Lived Experiences of Prenatal Substance Use in Colorado
Full Report of methods, findings, and recommendations from a rigorous qualitative research study on lived experiences of prenatal substance use in Colorado.
Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) Study Final Report
This report documents lessons learnedregarding the school-based delivery of TF-CBT, the value of TF-CBT for Colorado’sFamily First service array, andrecommendations for future evaluationwork on TF-CBT.
Executive Summary: Lived Experiences of Prenatal Substance Use in Colorado
Synthesis of findings and data-informed recommendations from a rigorous qualitative research study on lived experiences of prenatal substance use in Colorado.
Executive Summary: Using Evidence-Based Policymaking to Improve Perinatal Health
Synthesizes recommended strategies to improve use of research evidence during perinatal policymaking.
Policy Brief: Using Evidence-Based Policymaking to Improve Perinatal Health
Reports on findings from a mixed methods study to identify barriers and facilitators to using research evidence in perinatal policies.
Findings Report: Maternal and Infant Mortality among Families involved in Child Welfare due to Prenatal Substance Use
Reports on maternal and mortality outcomes in the first year of life for maternal-infant dyads with child welfare involvement due to substance exposure of a newborn.
Prevention Investment Strategy: Policy and Practice Recommendations (Strategy Report)
Strategy report detailing nine policy and practice recommendations to align and accelerate investment in child maltreatment prevention across Colorado.