In this periodic newsletter, we share information and updates about the Colorado Prosecutorial Dashboards Project. The goal of the project is to develop data dashboards to assist District Attorneys’ offices with tracking progress toward greater efficiency, effectiveness, and fairness.
Policy Brief: Plans of Safe Care to Support Families Impacted by Perinatal Substance Use Disorders
Policy brief providing recommendations on how Colorado can expand, leverage, and effectively implement Plans of Safe Care.
Social Support Norms Among Colorado Families (Full Report)
Full report detailing findings that emerged from qualitative narratives with five Colorado communities about family experiences with social support.
Social Support Norms Among Colorado Families (Executive Summary)
Executive summary of findings that emerged from qualitative narratives with five Colorado communities about family experiences with social support.
Fostering Opportunities Logic Model
The logic model that was developed in partnership with Colorado Implementation Science Unit can be used by the Fostering Opportunities Program as a part of Step 1: theory of change by providing a road map to link efforts to outcomes.
Home Visiting Executive Summary (English)
Executive summary of evaluation findings of the home visiting for home child care providers pilot. (English version)
Visitas Domiciliarias Resumen Ejecutivo (Español)
Resumen ejecutivo de los resultados de la evaluación del piloto de visitas domiciliarias para proveedores de cuidado infantil en el hogar. (Español versión)
Home Visiting Evaluation Report
Evaluation report that synthesizes findings from the evaluation of the home visiting for home child care providers pilot.
Child Welfare Case Outcomes of ORPC Representation (Full Report)
This report presents findings from the first-ever linkage of administrative data from the ORPC and Child Welfare to measure outcomes for children and families with interdisciplinary representation by the ORPC.
SMART Act Hearing Cue Card
This cue card provides legislators with a set of questions they can ask presenters during SMART Act Hearings. SMART Act Hearings are a key opportunity to promote Colorado’s approach to evidence-based decision making (EBDM) in state government. The questions suggested follow the flow of presentations by state agencies.