Strategic Consultation
Family First Annual Rigorous Evaluation Report SFY25
Delivered in November each year, this report includes recommendations for prioritizing additional programs and services for evidence building and possible inclusion in Colorado’s Plan, and opportunities to advance Colorado’s prevention strategy. The report can be used by the Colorado Department of Human Services’ Office of Children, Youth, and Families team, Child Welfare Prevention Task Group, […]
Learning Community on Family Economic Well-Being Research
Best Practices for Family Time in Colorado
Early Childhood Workforce Evidence-Building Hub
Technical Report: Findings of the Statewide Family Time Study
This technical report provides details on the methods used and findings from the statewide study on family time.
Strategy Report: Best Practices for Family Time in Colorado
This strategy report provides details on each data-informed best practice standard for family time in Colorado, as well as funding structure considerations.
Executive Summary: Best Practices for Family Time in Colorado
This executive summary synthesizes data-informed best practice standards across three categories of recommendations for family time in Colorado.
Universal Preschool Evidence-Building Hub
Prevention Investment Strategy: Policy and Practice Recommendations (Synthesis)
For policymakers, a synthesis of nine policy and practice recommendations to align and accelerate investment in child maltreatment prevention across Colorado.