This report describes outcomes of the SCCGP Cohort 8 at the close of the four-year grant period. The SCCGP Cohort 8 grant began with a development year of July 1, 2018, to June 30, 2019, and the subsequent three years of the grant were implementation years of July 1, 2019, to June 30, 2022. Information […]
Descriptive Analysis
Imagination Library of Colorado Stimulus Evidence-Building Brief
This brief represents early insights from the initial phases of ILCO evaluation work.
Alternative Response Pilot Learning Indicators
Data brief that showcases implementation and reach indicators from the first six months of the AR pilot, to inform continuous quality improvement and growth.
Child Welfare Case Outcomes of ORPC Representation (Full Report)
This report presents findings from the first-ever linkage of administrative data from the ORPC and Child Welfare to measure outcomes for children and families with interdisciplinary representation by the ORPC.
Home Visiting Community Outreach Video
Community outreach video showcasing successes of the pilot from the perspectives of providers involved.
Home Visiting Evaluation Report
Evaluation report that synthesizes findings from the evaluation of the home visiting for home child care providers pilot.
Visitas Domiciliarias Resumen Ejecutivo (Español)
Resumen ejecutivo de los resultados de la evaluación del piloto de visitas domiciliarias para proveedores de cuidado infantil en el hogar. (Español versión)
Home Visiting Executive Summary (English)
Executive summary of evaluation findings of the home visiting for home child care providers pilot. (English version)