Project Summary
The Colorado Lab partnered with the Colorado Department of Early Childhood to conduct a retrospective evaluation of the Home Visiting for Home Child Care Providers pilot. The pilot was part of Colorado’s Preschool Development Grant Birth through Five with the goal of improving the quality of home-based child care and enriching child learning and development. Home-based child care providers are commonly excluded from professional development opportunities and early childhood partnerships.
The pilot was designed to bridge this gap by bringing two evidence-based home visiting curriculums (Parents as Teachers, Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngers) to local providers. The evaluation provided data-informed learning on how the pilot can contribute to school readiness and educational equity for all Colorado children. Using survey data and key informant interviews, pilot reach, participant experiences, and outcomes for professionals and families were descriptively assessed. A provider-facing executive summary and a community outreach video are used by local home visiting and home child care providers to strengthen early learning spaces in their communities. A full evaluation report is used by state and national partners to guide innovation and investments in early childhood partnerships.
Steps to Building Evidence
Using a retrospective design, the evaluation helped partners reflect back on the essential elements that drove pilot design (Step 1 on the Steps to Building Evidence) and identify the core implementation materials necessary for replicability (Step 2). Outcomes on provider professional development, child learning, and family resource connection were also descriptively assessed (Step 2) with a focus on process and quality. Qualitative narratives identified challenges and opportunities that can inform future investments and evaluation needs.
School readiness and quality child care are key priorities of Colorado decision makers. Results from this project identify how expanding the reach of evidence-based home visiting to home child care providers can efficiently advance both priorities. Successes and challenges identified are particularly salient to improving support for Family, Friend, and Neighbor providers, where trusting relationships and value-based messaging are key to effectively reaching this underserved workforce.
Summary of Findings
The pilot reached 88 home child care providers and 18 home visiting staff across five Colorado communities, enrolling a total of 274 children. Providers reported positive changes to their home child care environments that enriched child learning, improved knowledge of early childhood and family strengthening activities, and strengthened connections and support from the early childhood workforce.

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For more information about working with the Colorado Lab, see Government and Community Partnerships or Research Partnerships.