Resources and Project Library

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“Addressing the many needs of children and families affected by perinatal substance use requires a multi-disciplinary effort with data shared across several systems, and no other organization has the research capabilities and legislative authority to access current data from across multiple systems. I particularly appreciate the Colorado Lab’s openness to hearing our perspectives as clinical experts, creating the space for us to work together, and their focus on quickly translating findings into practice and policy change.”

– Dr. Susan Hwang Children’s Hospital Colorado and the University of Colorado School of Medicine

“We love working with the Colorado Lab. Their expertise, knowledge, and foresight have been an integral part of developing the Alternative Response Pilot and we are so pleased to be collaborating with them on this project.”

– Stefanie Woodward Program Manager, Adult Protective Services and CAPS Check Unit, Colorado Department of Human Services

“Working with the Colorado Lab has been an amazing experience. I have really appreciated their professional insights, knowledge, and support for us to reflect on our project challenges and successes. Their staff is knowledgeable and makes it seem so simple to bring the projects all together and have a clear visual of our progress and where we need to go next to complete our projects successfully.”

– Maria Castillo Director, Northern Colorado Migrant Education Program