April 12, 2022 by coloradolab

Supporting Centennial BOCES to Implement Project READY

Centennial BOCES (CBOCES), home to the state’s largest Migrant Education Program, provides educational services and opportunities to school districts across northern Colorado to support both small and large school districts in partnering on innovation. With funding support from the Governor’s Emergency Education Relief Funds (RISE) and implementation support from the Colorado Lab, CBOCES is addressing […]

12 April 2022
March 25, 2022 by coloradolab

Kristin Klopfenstein: Tom Clements Awardees Offer Inspiration

It was such an honor to serve as a judge this year to help select recipients for the Tom Clements Better Government Award. The award honors the life and services of Tom Clements who, after 30 years of serving the public, was tragically killed while serving as Executive Director of the Colorado Department of Corrections. […]

25 March 2022
March 7, 2022 by coloradolab

Sara Bayless Named External Research Partner

A warm welcome to Sara Bayless as she partners with the Colorado Lab in support of our work with the Colorado Partnership for Thriving Families (Partnership). Dr. Bayless, who serves as a Director at the OMNI Institute, is skilled in conducting research and evaluation that helps organizations advance the evidence for their social programming. The […]

07 March 2022
March 7, 2022 by coloradolab

Fostering Learning & Alignment Among District Attorneys’ Offices

The Colorado Lab is working with eight District Attorneys’ (DAs) Offices in Colorado to develop data dashboards to assist them with tracking progress toward greater efficiency, effectiveness, and fairness. Last month, we facilitated the second cross-jurisdiction learning meeting with elected DAs and implementation leads from each pilot site. The meeting provided an opportunity for offices […]

07 March 2022
March 7, 2022 by coloradolab

Jeffco’s Preventive Legal Services Pilot Program Launches

The Office of Respondent Parents’ Counsel (ORPC) is accepting referrals for indigent parents in Jefferson County whose unmet legal needs may be affecting the safety of their children. The pilot program launches this month and aims to connect parents to preventive legal services and keep families together by addressing legal problems such as housing and […]

07 March 2022
February 8, 2022 by coloradolab

PDG B-5 Home Visiting for Home Child Care Providers Pilot Findings

The pilot was designed to address this challenge by connecting home-based child care providers with home visitors who deliver evidence-based curriculums. Historically, home visitors and home child care providers have not interacted even though both play key roles in child development and family strengthening. “The home visiting pilot doesn’t feel like a revolutionary new program […]

08 February 2022
February 8, 2022 by coloradolab

Listening to Families to Learn What Helps Them Thrive

Words reflecting social support and connections that can help families thrive as expressed by participants in five Colorado communities during Colorado Lab-facilitated listening sessions. A new Colorado Lab report features diverse and insightful learnings from community listening sessions that were held with parents/caregivers to better understand how social connections and support can help families thrive. Research […]

08 February 2022
January 10, 2022 by coloradolab

Partnership to Strengthen Career Pathways In Southwest Colorado

In Colorado, an estimated three out of four jobs require education or training beyond high school (Colorado Department of Education). Yet students in rural communities face an array of obstacles and disincentives to obtaining additional training, including: The result? Only 19% of students who attended high school in a rural community in the United States […]

10 January 2022
January 10, 2022 by coloradolab

RISE Funders Convening

The Colorado Lab was honored to host Governor Polis and philanthropists at a convening on January 6th to discuss progress on Colorado’s RISE project. RISE—the Response, Innovation, and Student Equity fund—has awarded over $40 million to address the learning challenges in pre-K-12 through higher education related to the economic, social, and health impacts of COVID-19. […]

10 January 2022
January 10, 2022 by coloradolab

Center for Policy Research Selected as TF-CBT Evaluation Team

The Colorado Lab is guiding and coordinating the ongoing rigorous evaluation of evidence-based services that are part of Colorado’s Family First Prevention Services Plan, in partnership with the Colorado Department of Human Services. In our October newsletter, the Colorado Lab released a call for external research partners to support us in executing our evidence-building work […]

10 January 2022