Scrivner Policy Roundtable Presentation: Bridging the Research to Policy Divide

We were happy to present to local public policy and research leaders at last month’s Scrivner Policy Roundtable (see presentation video below). The event series is hosted by the Scrivner Institute of Public Policy at the University of Denver to foster collaboration and learning among Metro Denver policy organizations. To support Colorado leaders in making data […]

Child Abuse Prevention Investment Strategy

To reduce child maltreatment, numerous community- and system-level programs, policies, and practices have been put in place in Colorado. An important next step is identifying how best to coordinate, align, and maximize resources for these investments. The Colorado Child Abuse Prevention Trust Fund Board has partnered with the Colorado Lab to develop a data-informed prevention […]

Early Childhood Evaluation Hub: CCCAP and Spotlight on External Research Partner, Dr. Andrew Brodsky

Between 2021 and 2022, the Colorado Department of Early Childhood received over $700 million in stimulus funding to strengthen Colorado’s early childhood sector. The Colorado Lab is coordinating the Early Childhood Evaluation Hub, contracting with multiple evaluation teams to conduct high-quality evaluations of more than a dozen prioritized stimulus-funded activities to ensure the goals of […]