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Early Childhood Stimulus Funding Evaluation


The Office of Early Childhood (OEC) at the Colorado Department of Human Services (CDHS) received a $119 million increase in Child Care and Development Fund grant funding, authorized through the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act. The funds will be used to help support the recovery and growth of the child care industry. Additionally, OEC received over $280 million in American Rescue Plan Act funds to support additional recovery efforts for the child care industry. CDHS’s spending priorities focus on strengthening and expanding the early childhood sector in Colorado to ensure all children have access to high quality child care.

OEC is partnering with the Colorado Lab to support evaluation planning of the stimulus-funded activities so the best possible evaluation strategies are pursued, including performance metrics, a Theory of Change, and recommended evaluation strategies best suited for stimulus-funded activities. The Colorado Lab will bring in key research and evaluation experts from across Colorado universities and research organizations to engage in this planning effort.

To learn more, please contact Dr. Whitney LeBoeuf.